
July 2015


Name:  Nuria (the one and only)

Job title: Senior Consultant, Brand Insight

Where from: Madrid, via Washington D.C, but I pretty much identify as a Londoner now 😉

When joined the company: January 2014

Favourite evaluation metric:  We’ve got some wacky ones on Brand Insight, because everything is so tailored. I get a kick out of the ones relating to the demographics of social media users. Recently I had to code for hair type – as in, “curly”, “straight”, “dyed”… While you can’t extract such data for every post, it’s amazing how much information is out there.

Favourite font: New Johnston – it’s the TfL font and you can’t get it without a licence so there’s no chance of using it in our reports. (Unless my team can get TfL as a client perhaps…?)

Last holiday: Spain. It’s my next holiday too. My parents and extended family are all there (split mainly between Madrid and Girona) so I go about five times a year.

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