Cool stuff – Apr 15


James Sharpe (Inner Station) worked with band KONTAKTE in a remix experiment.


KONTAKTE hands over the reins to their music to fellow musician friends and let them run wild with it. They turn into unimagined versions and in some cases completely unrecognisable states.

The EP was released on April 20th on a Limited Edition Gatefold CD & Digital version via their Bandcamp page.

The EP is available to stream in full and the pre-order option is open NOW!


David Barnett just back from his first tour of the US.


“I embarked on my first tour of the US in April with legendary cult anarcho-punk death-rockers Part 1.

Cult meaning no one has actually heard of them. We played two gigs in Brooklyn as part of the New York’s Alright Festival and got wined and dined by the US label who were led by a man called Caleb who looked like a cross between Alan Moore and Rasputin.

Sunday was a day off where I got to be a tour guide and took the two original members of the band on the Statten Island Ferry, up the Empire State Building and round a lot of iconic buildings that were covered in scaffolding, like the Dakota and Hotel Chelsea.

After that we set off on an eight-hour drive to Pittsburg, gateway to the Midwest, to play in front of proper Americans (ie 50 assorted rednecks and weirdos) and stayed in “the house where it is always Halloween” which was like something out of a horror movie, complete with terrifying basement and a couple of cats named Sid and Nancy. Meanwhile our drummer misplaced his trousers and got lost in the backstreets of the old steeltown seeing a man about a dog.

Then our van broke down. By some miracle we made it to Philadelphia where we played what was easily the best gig of the tour, featuring our first stage diver and our first (and only) encore in America.

We then legged it back to New York for a sweaty gig in a goth club underneath an art gallery in downtown Manhattan.

Bjork turned up to watch us, so that was nice, but I was obviously very relieved to return to the exciting world of media analysis after all that nonsense”.

He made a short home video of the view from the van here:

(yep, told him to get a better phone)


Some of us came to Strongroom in Shoreditch to say goodbye to Jennifer.

A nice picture of us:


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